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Ruins in North Macedonia

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There are possibly more than 100 archaeological or historic ruins in North Macedonia. Civilizations in the past left behind many structures such as castles, fortresses, churches, and aqueducts. Ruins can be seen today all over the Macedonian countryside. Factors such as environmental changes, changes in settlements, populations, migrations, and changes in neighbouring colonies or tribes, all played a key role in the movement of people within the region of Macedonia.

Archaeological sites in North Macedonia[edit]

Below is a list of sites and their locations :

Archaeological site Location Period Year
Astibo Štip Roman Empire Possibly 4th Century
Ancient Theatre Ohrid Ancient Macedonia 340 BC - 320 BC
Skopje Aqueduct Skopje Roman Empire 6th Century
Heraclea Lyncestis Bitola unknown unknown
Church of St. John at Kaneo Ohrid 13th Century
Golem Grad Golem Grad Roman Empire 6th Century
Marko's Towers Prilep Serbian Empire 14th Century
Cerje Skopje unknown unknown

Historic sites in North Macedonia[edit]

Below is a list of sites and their locations :

- Plaosnik located in Ohrid.

- St Panteleimon located in Ohrid.


1^ www.macedonia-timeless.com